7 Common Weeds Found in Buffalo Grass

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Maintaining a pristine Buffalo lawn can be derailed by the invasion of common weeds. Australian homeowners understand the importance of combatting these intruders to preserve the allure and vitality of their outdoor sanctuaries.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the prevalent weeds that plague Buffalo grass and provide expert insights from TurfBreed’s Expert Turf Manager, Nathan Tovey, on effective weed control strategies. From natural remedies to herbicide applications, we equip you with the essential knowledge needed to reclaim your lawn.

1. Onion Weed
Characterized by its flat, strappy leaves and clusters of white flowers, onion weed thrives in moist, shady areas and boasts deep, bulbous roots. While minor occurrences may be managed through hand-pulling, complete bulb removal is essential to prevent regrowth.

2. Soursob
Distinguished by its bright green, heart-shaped leaves and yellow, daisy-like flowers, soursob proliferates via rhizomes and seeds, particularly in winter and early spring. Maintaining a dense turf through regular mowing and overseeding can aid in control.

3. Winter Grass
A cool-season annual grass weed with narrow, dark green leaves, winter grass flourishes in cooler temperatures and spreads rapidly if left unchecked. Proper mowing practices and selective herbicides can help suppress its growth.

4. Summer Grass
Also known as crabgrass, summer grass is an annual weed with coarse, light green leaves that thrives in warm, sunny conditions. Preventative measures such as proper lawn maintenance and pre-emergent herbicides can mitigate its impact.

5. Dandelion
Easily identifiable by its bright yellow flowers and toothed leaves, dandelions are prolific seed producers. While hand-pulling may suffice for small infestations, selective herbicides are often necessary for larger outbreaks.

6. White Clover
A low-growing perennial weed with trifoliate leaves and white, ball-shaped flowers, white clover thrives in nitrogen-deficient soils. Selective herbicides can effectively control its spread.

7. Bindii
Prickly and low-growing, bindii is notorious for its painful seed pods. While hand-pulling may suffice for small patches, selective herbicides are recommended for larger infestations.

Natural Weed Control Methods for Buffalo Grass

Hand Pulling: Effective for minor weed occurrences, hand-pulling may require extra effort for weeds with deep roots. Complete root removal is crucial to prevent regrowth.

Regular Maintenance: Mowing, fertilizing, and watering are essential for weed suppression. Proper lawn care promotes dense turf growth, which outcompetes weeds.

Herbicide Application for Weed Control in Buffalo Grass

Selective vs. Non-Selective Herbicides: Selective herbicides target specific weed species while sparing desirable grasses, making them ideal for Buffalo lawns. Non-selective herbicides kill all vegetation and should be used cautiously. Visit our shop to see our Herbicide range.

Application Guidelines: Apply herbicides when weeds are actively growing for optimal uptake. Follow manufacturer instructions carefully, wear protective gear, and adhere to recommended application rates. Check product labels for compatibility with Buffalo grass.


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