FAQ about All Year Round Turf in Sydney Metro and Surrounds

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You need to water your lawn as soon as you lay it down to prevent the lawn from drying out. Once the lawn is laid you will need to water your lawn once a day for the first week. A good tip is to lift an edge of your lawn up and check if the soil underneath is moist. If it isn’t then your lawn needs more water. After the first week it is unnecessary to water your lawn as often. Every 2-3 days is sufficient until established. You can test if your lawn is established by lifting an edge of your lawn. If it holds well it is attached, if it separates from the ground it needs more time.

You should fertilise your lawn regularly to keep your lawn healthy. We recommend you fertilise your lawn before you lay your lawn. A slow release fertiliser such as, Scott’s Lawn Builder New lawns and repair should be spread on top of the soil just before you lay your lawn and use a rake to lightly rake the fertiliser through the soil. Once your lawn is established you should fertilise at the beginning of spring, mid summer and mid autumn. You can spread fertiliser by hand or with a fertiliser spreader which you can purchase from All Year Round Turf.

Generally 1-3 weeks after you have laid your lawn. You only need to take the tips of your lawn.

You can lay your lawn all year round but it is best to lay your lawn during the warmer months as your lawn will establish quicker.

Begin laying your lawn from a straight edge such as a driveway. Lay your lawn in a brick like pattern and ensure all edges are matted closely together so that the lawn can establish quicker and more sufficiently. Cut your lawn to fit around objects such as garden beds. Lastly we recommend to roll your lawn after you have laid it as this ensure roots are in contact with the ground below so your lawn will stay moist and therefore establish quicker.

Do not fertilise in the morning as the dew on the leaves of your lawn can cause the fertiliser to attach to the leaves and burn them as the day gets warmer. It is good to fertilise in the rain as you save water and your lawn will thrive.

You can test your lawn by mixing a bucket of soapy water and pouring it over the affected area. Cover area with a hessian bag or a piece of thick carpet and leave overnight. If there are any army worms they will rise to the surface of the lawn.

Spray the entire area of lawn with a lawn grub killer such as Brunning’s Lawn Grub Destroyer. When army worms have disappeared apply high nitrogen fertiliser such as Scott’s Lawn Builder Regular for a quick recovery.

To measure the area of a:

– Rectangle/square: Length X Width 

– Circle: Radius X 3.14 

– Triangle: (Height X Base) ÷ 2

Firstly spray the area with a weed killer such as Round Up to remove weeds and previous lawn. If soil is not healthy then improvement is needed. This can be done by spreading lime or gypsum on clay grounds or adding organic matter for sandy grounds. Lastly, you should spread out turf underlay which is a sand and soil mix and spread a slow release fertiliser such as Scott’s Lawn Builder New lawns and repair and use a rake to give it a slight rake over.