Easy Lawn Care Tips for Autumn

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Winter is coming, but first, we need to get our lawns through autumn. After the long, wet summer we’ve had, your lawn is probably ready for some TLC to nurture it back to good health and prepare it for the dry dormant months ahead.

All Year Round Turf, the experts in all things turf installation, Sydney side has the following lawn care tips to help you fortify your lawn for autumn.


Weeds can quickly get out of control during the summer months, so now is the time to get them under control before they bolt and go to seed.

The most efficient method for small lawns with a moderate weed count is to pull them out by hand. Otherwise, a liquid herbicide will save your back if you have a large yard with a significant weed infestation. Call your favourite turf installation, Sydney service, for excellent advice on the best herbicides for lawn de-weeding.


Humid, moist conditions mean the lawn pests have been busy reproducing and making more pests. The first step is to figure out which types have taken up residence in your lawn and then find an appropriate insecticide to deal with them. Two of the most common you are likely to encounter are the Lawn Army Worm and the Curl Grub. 


Soil compaction over summer has most likely started to affect the grass’s ability to send down deep roots. It’s always a good idea to aerate your lawn at least once or twice a year, and autumn is the perfect time to do it.

Make sure you leave enough time for the grass to put down deeper roots during the last of the growing season. You can use a pitchfork, but a heavy lawn roller with spikes will get the job done in a fraction of the time.


Different types of grass do best with fertilisers created for their specific needs. Laying down some fertiliser at the start of autumn will give your lawn a boost so that it can weather the winter months. Slow-release fertilisers are perfect for ensuring your lawn has access to vital nutrients over an extended period.


You can control diseases by ensuring your lawn is aerated and well-fed, but if you have an outbreak, you can get your yard back under control with a good quality fungicide.

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