How to Control Winter Grass

How to Control Winter Grass - Turf Supplies Sydney

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Winter grass is a regular nuisance for home lawns across Australia, particularly through the winter and spring months. This grassy weed is infamous for its prolific seed production, which makes it extremely challenging to eradicate.

Winter grass is a low-growing turf grass with a distinct light green hue, accentuated by smooth, drooping green leaves grown in tufts. Its white, cotton-like root zones form a stark contrast to the surrounding lawn.

Your battle for control of your lawn will be all the more difficult if you give the plant an opportunity to seed in the winter. Young plants will quickly take hold. While they are easy to pull out, they will quickly regrow if any of the plants remain.

Additionally, young winter grass can blend in with the regular turf, making it difficult to identify and remove early in its life cycle. It’s not the easiest of weeds to eradicate but with these tips from All Year Round Turf, you will reclaim your lawn.

Getting Rid of Winter Weed

Other than manual removal, you have a couple of options to control winter grass: pre-emergent or post-emergent herbicides. Both strategies can work, but understanding when and how to use each chemical correctly is critical to keeping your lawn weed free.

Controlling Winter Weed with Post-Emergent Herbicides

Post-emergent herbicides are selective herbicides designed to kill winter grass after it germinates. The weed is most active during the autumn and winter months. While using a post-emergent herbicide, you should follow the instructions exactly as directed. You won’t see results for around two weeks to two months, so patience is key with this strategy.

Timing is critical when using post-emergent herbicides. Apply it too late in winter and you won’t get the desired results. Get in early to ensure you prevent the young plants from taking hold.

How to Use Pre-Emergent Weed Killer

Pre-emergent herbicides work to prevent winter grass seeds from germinating in the soil. This is one of the best ways to manage the infestation as it targets the weed seeds before they have a chance to germinate and grow.

The application of pre-emergent herbicides is best done going into winter, which also acts as a preventive measure for next winter. A combination of a pre-emergent, along with a good fertiliser, can be a winning strategy for the control of winter grass.

For maximum effectiveness, it’s often necessary to repeat the process using a winter grass killer, whether it’s a post-emergent or pre-emergent herbicide. Regular mowing of your lawn can also help control winter grass as it can remove the triangular-shaped seed heads before they can drop their seeds back into the soil.

However, be careful with certain lawn types such as Kikuyu and Buffalo lawns, as not all herbicides are safe to use on them.

With these tips, you can say goodbye to winter grass seeds and give your lawn the care it needs to flourish free of weeds. The effort you put into treating Winter grass today will mean less lawn care work for you in the coming years.


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