How To Deal With Lawn Grubs

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Lawn grubs, the larvae of various moth or beetle species, are a common garden pest in Australia, with over 2200 native species. They pose a threat during spring and summer when they hatch and start feeding on roots or leaves.

What are Lawn Grubs?
Lawn grubs are the larvae of moths and beetles found in Australia. There are two main types: Root Feeders and Surface Dwellers.

-Root Feeding Lawn Grubs: These larvae, such as those of Scarab Beetles (e.g., Japanese Beetles, African Black Beetles), feed on plant roots. They develop from eggs laid in the soil, with the larvae growing up to 15mm to 60mm in size. They have a soft, C-shaped body and can vary in color.
-Surface Dwelling Lawn Grubs:Cutworms, offspring of harmless moths like the Bogong Moth, are a type of surface dweller. They feed on lawn grasses, vegetables, and ornamental plants at night, cutting seedlings at ground level.

Why Do I Have Lawn Grubs?
Lawn grubs thrive in healthy lawns but can destroy stressed lawns. Scarab beetles lay eggs in the soil, attracted to a range of plants including potted ornamentals and edible plants.

Signs of Lawn Grubs:
– Brown patches on the lawn
– Spongy texture underfoot
– Increased bird activity, as birds feed on lawn grubs
– Nighttime beetle and moth activity

Lawn Grub Treatment:
– Manual Control: Place a wet hessian bag on the lawn overnight to attract and collect grubs, then dispose of them. Alternatively, drown grubs in soapy water.
– Chemical Control: Use pesticides containing beta-cyfluthrin, bifenthrin, esfenvalerate, or chlorantraniliprole. Water granular pesticides into the soil for better effectiveness.
– Natural Control: Neem oil extract is a non-toxic option that disrupts the feeding ability of grubs, causing starvation and death.

– Regularly mow and water your lawn to keep it healthy.
– Monitor your lawn for signs of infestation regularly.

Always read and follow the instructions on pesticide labels for safe and effective use. Visit Our Shop for products that can help you with your Lawn Grub problem.

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