How to Protect Grass in Winter

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The Australian winters can be tough on lawns; low sunlight, cold, dry days, irregular heavy rain, and frost will take their toll. Your grass will go dormant to survive the brutal climate, but there are things you can do to ensure your lawn stays green and vibrant. All Year Round Turf will show you how to protect grass in winter with these handy lawn-saving tips.

Aerate Your Lawn

Aerating your lawn protects your grass through winter by increasing the depth of roots and the uptake of nutrients. Thatch is reduced, and the activity also stimulates soil-borne microbes essential for healthy soil. Aeration improves the soil’s ability to take in moisture, which can leave your grass less waterlogged when it rains, while ensuring the roots get all the benefits.

Take More Weekends off By Mowing Less

Winter is not the growing season for grass, so you can look forward to mowing less and relaxing more. Put the catcher on instead of the mulcher. The grass blades will be able to absorb more sunlight if they aren’t buried underneath a layer of freshly cut blades.

Rake Often and Regularly Move Lawn Furniture

Fallen leaves should be raked up often because they prevent sunlight from reaching the blades. Lawn furniture will cast shade and kill off the grass underneath. Regularly move your outdoor furniture and kids’ swing sets from place to place to ensure you don’t get any dead spots, which have a nasty habit of spreading if they get established.

Colourguard Your Lawn

Colourguard is like paint for your lawn, but it’s also a fertiliser. The light green pigments in Colourguard are completely natural and last about 3 months, keeping your lawn looking vibrant while also giving it a good feed. A squirt of Colourguard is excellent for backyard weddings and parties when you want to make a good impression, but it’s also great for keeping the neighbours guessing about your supreme lawn-keeping skills.

Protect Grass in Winter Through Vigilant Weed Control

Unlike most lawn grasses, weeds are quite happy to sprout up during any season and many love the colder months when most lawns are relatively dormant. You may be mowing less, but that doesn’t mean you should be less vigilant about preventing weeds from taking over your lawn. If you’re looking to turf your property, try a grass that grows well in winter as it will be more resistant to winter weeds. Ask the experts at All Year Round Turf for professional advice and suggestions.


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