The Right Height to Mow Your Lawn for Your Grass Type – Quick Tips

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There’s a reason mowers have height settings, and it’s not just to get through ankle-high grass you’ve been neglecting during summer. Depending on the season, lawns should be mowed at different heights, and different types of grass will prefer varying lengths for optimal health.

A good rule-of-thumb is to set your mower to 3 cm, but you can use the following guide from All Year Round Turf to help you make optimal adjustments for the type of grass you have.

Empire Zoysia Turf

This South African native is well suited to the Australian climate and is a favorite because it is slow-growing and low maintenance. Keep your mower set to between 2 cm and 4 cm.

Bermuda Grass

Homeowners love the soft feel of this native grass underfoot. It prefers warm areas and does best when cut relatively short at 2 cm to 4 cm.

Santa Ana Couch Turf

Couch turf does best with a mow length of around 2 cm to 4 cm. Couch is chosen for its flat finish and extremely low maintenance over winter. It’s not uncommon to get through Australian winters with just one or two mows.

Sir Walter Buffalo Turf

Sir Walter Buffalo grass’s soft, broad blades are slower growing and low maintenance. Keep its length a centimeter at around 3.5 cm to 4 cm for a healthier, more vibrant lawn.

Kikuyu Turf

The fast-growing blades of Kikuyu do well when kept to a length between 2 cm and 4 cm. It’s an aggressive grower and will spread fast during sunny weather. The long runners mean you will have your work cut out for you when maintaining your edgings.

Sapphire & Prestige Buffalo Turf

Buffalo grass’s short, broad leaves like a mow length between 3.5 cm to 6 cm. It’s a relatively low-maintenance grass that will only need a trim every fortnight during the warm months. It goes dormant during winter, so expect more free time over the weekends.

The above are a few of the most popular types of turf used for Sydney lawns. Call All Year Round Turf for even more advice on different types of turf and how to get the best results from your grass of choice.

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